Persons Of Interest
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Overview:This document deals with various peoples known to deal in paranormal artifacts, as well as their objectives and methods of operation.

Threat ID System

Threat Level Description
Alpha These Person are supposed to be friends.
BETA These Person are either hostile or antagonistic.
Gamma These Person are neutral and are intended for uninformed POIs.

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Threat Levels: Gamma

Overview: Little is currently known about the person, entity, or group known as "Nothing". First sighted in 1895, they have had numerous appearances since. There has only been one person seen at any given time, typically described as a male Caucasian dressed in a grey suit and a fedora. If asked his identity, he replies that he's "Nothing". However, it is not known if this is the work of a single person or multiple agents of a single, unknown agency. Their agenda is currently unknown, sometimes helping the Initiative, sometimes hindering it. Caution is recommended if any field agents encounter an operative identifying themselves as "Nothing".

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